Looking back to a
time of growth and
new experiences…

Over the years, Kumu Hula Sonny Ching conducted various workshops on culture protocol, chants and dances in Japan, Mexico and the Continental United States. At one time, HNMOP also had a hālau in Mexico and they performed at a 1,000 person lū‘au held at the Governor’s Palace in La Paz. In addition, his Mexican soloist placed second in the World Hula Competition. His Japan hālau has won several awards at hula competitions in Japan and Okinawa and the demand for Hawaiian performances in Japan are overwhelming.
In 1994 Governor Waihe‘e recognized Kumu Hula Sonny Ching for his excellence in the field of hula. That year was also the halau’s first Merrie Monarch appearance—the wahine was the overall winner. Later that year at the HNMOP Christmas Concert, the hālau presented donation checks to the following organizations: Lunalilo Home, HUGS, HIS (homeless shelter) in addition to adopting four families for the holiday season. This tradition of sharing with the community is an ongoing and integral part of its philosophy.
The Hyatt Regency Waikiki Hotel adopted Hālau Nā Mamo O Pu‘uanahulu as one of its cultural resources showcasing the hula to guests. From the inception of the Waikīkī Beach hula shows for tourist, the hālau is an active participant in promoting tourism for Hawai‘i. The hālau has performed in Aloha Week Festivals
throughout the State from the Big Island to Kaua‘i. The hālau has been a part of the Makaha Bash and Ho‘omau Concerts at Waikīkī Shell and ‘Ilio‘ulaokalani’s Andrew’s Theater Concert. Kumu Ching has produced and directed numerous hula concerts throughout the State of Hawai‘i, including Mamiya Theater, Kaimukī High School, Bishop Museum and two concerts at Sheraton Waikīkī Hotel. The hālau Christmas concert of 1994 and the 10th Anniversary concert in 1996 were sold out performances with overwhelming successes.
In 1996, the hālau was recognized for it’s contribution to the Senior citizen health program by by Mayor Jeremy Harris in a video regarding Hawaiian health. It was this year that our keikimahine participated in the 150th celebration of Washington Place. It was also an honor to be recommended by hula masters: Patricia Bacon, Edith McKenzie and Pualani Kanaka‘ole Kanahele to be the featured hālau in the Discovery Channel’s documentary on Hawai‘i and the hula. The dancers were featured at their volcano offering and the 1996 Merrie Monarch Festival performance. This documentary premiered world wide in October 1996 and has had several showing since then. The extensive coverage of the Discovery Channel brought great exposure for the hālau, the Hawaiian culture, and the State of Hawai‘i.