
Jennifer Kēhaulani Oyama-Kempfort
April 24, 2003 changed my life forever. I was in Hilo with the hālau at the 40th Annual Merrie Monarch Festival. It was after midnight when the winners were announced. I, along with two others were awarded a three-way tie for the Office of Hawaiian Affairs’ Hawaiian Language Award, it was my first humbling honor. I sat anxiously in the Kanaka‘ole Stadium as the fourth, third, second and first runner up were announced, and my name was not yet called. I was in disbelief, I thought, “No way, it can’t be…” but to our surprise I was bestowed with the honor of being Miss Aloha Hula 2003! A feeling that can’t be described.
It all began when I was a little hula dancer. My family and I would travel to the Merrie Monacrh Festival and I would sit in awe of all the Miss Aloha Hula contestants and dream of one day being able to represent my hālau on that stage. One evening after hula practice in November of 2002, Kumu Sonny called my name from across the room and butterflies filled my ‘ōpū. “Jenn,” he said, “you do know that I want to run you for Miss Aloha Hula next year? I mean, if that’s okay with you.” As nervous as I was, I accepted the responsibility and then began my training.
My training was far from the norm. First, I was sidelined due to the inflamed tissues in my knee which limited me from physically practicing for the competition. After an MRI, a couple cortisone shots and a few hours of rehabilitation a few days a week, I was able to physically train with little limitation. Then, our Kumu received a call from the Merrie Monarch office stating that my mele kahiko was a duplicate mele. I was posed with the decision to either have Kumu select another mele, or wait until next year. I realized that God had a plan for me and would only challenge me with what I can handle, so another mele kahiko was chosen. Looking back, these trials and tribulations only pushed me harder.
I’m extremely grateful and thankful to my Kumu, ‘ohana, and hālau for their support, love and trust. They helped me through many different obstacles and taught me to strive to be the best I can be. Holding the title of MISS ALOHA HULA proves through desire, dedication and determination all challenges can be conquered.