Japan Alaka‘i

Masako Ogata
Masako Ogata is an entrepreneur and loves to travel. She travels to Hawai‘i frequently and has grown to love Hawai‘i and its culture. Her love of the ocean and nature lead her to discover hula. She started learning hula in Kyoto because she liked how the beauty of nature and respect for nature was conveyed.
In 2001, Masako attended one of Kumu Hula Sonny Ching’s workshops in Japan. She still clearly remembers how touched she was watching Kumu Sonny dance, “I could feel the sense of warmth and respect that he had for his culture.” Masako continued attending Kumu Sonny’s workshops until he opened HNMOP Iapana in 2006. She joined with approximately 200 others, forming the first haumāna of HNMOP Iapana. Masako is grateful for the help and support of many people as she commutes from Osaka to Tokyo to attend hālau. Her dedication shows her desire to continue learning the precious Hawaiian culture.
“Hālau has given me a sense of togetherness. It has taught me to be humble and value the time I share with my hula brothers and sisters. I enjoy the comfort I get from dancing with them.”
[The Hālau] has taught me to be humble and value the time I share with my hula brothers and sisters